Earnings Disclaimer

Our website Bloggerfor.com and our email marketing also contain certain information, that talks about reaching certain life results and how to reach different financial goals.

All of that information about earning and achieving results can be used solely as additional information. We cannot guarantee that you will achieve the said results and earn money in the same way – no matter the words we use in our marketing emails and our website, as in the end, everything depends on the individual. It all depends on individual’s motivation and dedication to set goals.

All information about earnings, that we may distribute in either text, image, video or in any other form can only be used as additional information: about what we can nowadays achieve online. There is also no guarantee, as the end results always depend on the individual.

You must know that some can make a good earning online, however, others experience money loss as well. For the reasons mentioned above, our website and marketing emails don’t take any responsibility for any damage. Before you decide to buy certain services you must also know the risks connected to it as using certain products and/or services can lead towards financial loss or any other form of loss.

Our website and email marketing don’t guarantee anything and can not be held responsible for any damages, that may be connected to using our website and email marketing. Our website always presents the terms of using the website and email marketing when buying a certain product or service so you know, that no results are guaranteed with its purchase. While using the product you can experience financial loss or delayed additional costs.

You must also know, that results from using a certain product or service differ from individual to individual. When buying a certain product you should thus look at all the points. Anyone, who decides to buy products, bears his own responsibility. Our website and marketing email cannot be held responsible for your decisions and any possible damages.

Know that in the end, results depend on your work, will, motivation and enthusiasm. The website Bloggerfor.com wishes you the best user experience and success in all the areas.