Why and how to use the tool Uptime Robot

Only after you start using the tool Uptime Robot you discover how useful it really is.

I will use today’s article to show you how I personally use the tool Uptime Robot and explain how you can use the tool yourself.

Allow me to start.

Why and how to use the tool Uptime robot

Tool Uptime Robot:

Why to use it?:

First of all, it is completely free. Second of all, the tool is really handy and can help us a lot when we encounter an error.

If something happens and our blog becomes unavailable, the tool sends a notification to our email or phone number and lets us know our blog is now inactive.

The tool is set to check our blog every 5 minutes so we always get notified when something happens.

If we decide to use the tool we always know when our service provider or blog host encountered an error so we can let them know and they can remove the issue in just a few minutes.

I suggest you to use the tool as it regularly checks the status of our blog – otherwise, it can take days before we notice it is offline which costs us many visitors and thus income. While our blog was inactive thousands and thousands of people could have tried to access our blog. Just think how much you can lose with blog inactivity.

Those are the main reasons why you should use the tool. By reading my article you can discover how you can use it yourself.

How to use it?:

The tool is simple and easy to use. The first thing you have to do is visit the website https://uptimerobot.com.

Next, you have to find a form to register a new user. After successfully completing the registration process it is time to sign into the control panel of the tool.

Click the button: Add a new monitor and click it. Next, you will get a window with the following forms:

1.Monitor type* – Choose the option HTTP(s).

2.Friendly name* – Choose the name you want.

3.URL (or IP)* – Enter the complete url of your blog.

4.Monitoring interval* – Choose the option “5 minutes”.

Those are the four forms we have to fill. The last, fifth form is located in the top right window where you simply confirm your email to receive automatic notifications about your blog availability.

And that’s it.

You can finish the entire process by clicking the button: Create monitor.

If you followed the steps above you just started using the tool Uptime Monitor. Now you don’t have to sign into the control panel anymore as you will get notified via email if your blog goes offline.

That’s what I have to say today. You will discover everything about the tool while you use it.

You will see that once your blog becomes truly profitable! In any case, you still need some knowledge which you can get by subscribing to my email newsletter that contains all of the information needed.


Take your blogging to the next level. Start building your online business today.


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