Top 5 tips on how to avoid spam folder in email marketing

Email marketing is a tool that can increase online sales. Today, this tool is used by many successful companies and bloggers who work with affiliate marketing as well.

If you want to be successful in using email marketing, you also need to know how to write emails that your subscribers will receive to the main folder – received.

Here in this article you will find out about 5 tips that can help you avoid spam folder in email marketing!

Follow these tips and your subscribers will always receive your mail to the main folder. – Remember that this is the key to success in email marketing.


Email marketing


1.Write quality content for emails:

You need to offer the highest quality to your subscribers. When they subscribe to your newsletter, subscribers expect quality content. So do not bore them with your emails. Always send them relevant content over which they will be delighted.

If you write on a topic of survival in nature on your blog, then give your email subscribers some better tips than they get on your blog. Give them a reason to read your mail regularly and you will see that your mail will mostly be received to the main folder.

2.Maintain your list and build a relationship with it:

You need to control your email list all the time. In particular, you need to review active and inactive subscribers. Those who have not opened your emails for more than 2 months, should be removed from your e-news.

Before you unsubscribe them from e-news, you can send these inactive subscribers the latest email asking them if they are still interested in your newsletter. If you do not receive feedback from this email, you can unsubscribe them from e-news.

Be aware that a responsive email list is very important for success in email marketing.

3.Be careful not to do the following 3 things:

-Be sure not to include photos or videos in your email. Even if you use only one photo in email, your email may end up in the promotional folder. If you use more than 2 photos in your email, the mail will definitely be placed into the spam folder.

-Do not just work on promotion. All emails you send should not only be promotional. Promotion should be in every third or fourth email. Also be sure that you do not have too many links in your email. If you have more than 3 links, your mail may fall into promotional or spam folder.

-Another thing that is extremely important is to change the standard message to unsubscribe from e-news. This standard message reads as follows: “Unsubscribe from this mailing list”. – This message is always present at the bottom of each of our email. It is important to remove the words “from this mailing list” from this message. Just the word “Unsubscribe” is enough. Do this because the word “mailing list” is marked under unwanted words, and because of this word, our e-mails may end up in the spam folder.

4.Compose your emails carefully:

Pay attention to what you write. We recommend that you put great emphasis on words. Do not use the following words in your email: guaranteed, quick earnings, winnings, warranty, free, earn money online. – These are words that can lead your email to a spam folder. (Pay particular attention to the fact that there are no such words in your email title. Your email title should be attractive for clicking, but it should not be promotional.)

Do not insert more than 3 links in the emails and write the text in the first person. Write in the way you write to your best friend. And share the best knowledge in the text. Some individuals do not want to share certain knowledge with others. But in the end, be aware that more than you give, the more you will get back!

5.Test and test again:

When writing emails, follow these tips. Then, when you have all emails already written, start working on testing. First, write two different titles for each email. Then, test the titles and see which title attracts more clicks.

Subscribe to your email list yourself with different providers: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail. Then, look under which folder your mail is coming to. If you notice that your mail frequently goes to the promotional folder, rethink your emails.

Look where you made a mistake. Do you talk about how to earn a lot of money in your email, or do you have 5 links and 3 photos in your emails. All this is considered as a promotion and therefore, they find themselves in this folder.

That’s about it!

This concludes our email marketing and how to avoid spam folder tips. These are all our tips … And try to use them in practice…. And soon you will realize that you are working smarter and less!

Once your email marketing is set up as it should be, your effort will be repaid. Because email marketing is a tool that can work in a completely automated way!

Ha. That’s good, is it not? ?