A guide on how to write great articles for your blog

When you start preparing articles for your blog you need to consider a few things. You need to know that the content is very important. Content is what will make your blog successful. The visitors will be visiting your blog because of the content. Therefore, offer your visitors useful and diverse content that is relevant to your blog.

I believe that writing articles won’t cause you any major problems if you’ve chosen a niche where you find your passion and joy. If the theme does not really suit you, do not worry because you can still order articles from experienced writers on the Fiverr site.

Complete guide on how to write great articles_blog

Complete guide on writing articles:

1.First step: Provide useful and diverse content:

Think carefully how you will deliver it to your visitors through articles. In order to be useful, you first need to know the problems of your audience and then find solutions in the articles. Try to explain it in the simplest way and they will love your blog.

Also be diverse. For example, if your blog is about losing weight, don’t write too many similar headlines that talk about similar topics. For example: The best diet for men older than 40 years, What is the best diet for women, Vegetarian diet – How to prepare it?, Vegan diet – Who is it suitable for?. If we publish so many articles with similar titles it will come across as unnatural and spammy.

Try to write as many articles as you can about your topic. For example: What is the best vegetarian diet?, 10 mistakes many people do at the gym, 5 Top tips for those that want to lose weight, How to motivate yourself to reach weight loss goal … Have plenty of diverse and interesting titles on your blog that are relevant to the theme. This is how you will set up a good niche blog.

2.Second step: Keyword research:

Once you have a strategy in place, you need to start researching keywords. Use Google Keyword Planner when doing research. We can access this online tool by typing in the following in the search engine: Google Keyword Planner and then we log in with our g-mail account.

In the tool we can then find keywords that are entered by our targeted audience. With this we know exactly what our audience is asking. We can then use all of these keywords, one by one, in each article in a natural way. In this way, we will have real articles on our blog.

Every keyword you choose, should be used once in the article title and several times in the text itself. Try to use keywords in a natural way. Keep the density of the selected keyword up to 2% of the total text. For example, if your text is 500 words long, the selected keyword should not be mentioned more than 20 times.

3.Third step: Selecting a title:

Before you even begin writing an article, you must create a title. A title no one ever used before. Be unique when picking titles. Better titles you have, more people will want to read your articles. We need to attract interest with our titles. We can do this by promising them certain results or instilling curiosity in them.

For example, good titles for weight loss articles would be: This is the one and only diet that will help you lose weight, Weight loss program – Lose 10 kg in just one month, What is the main reason for excessive appetite?. If you have no idea how to choose good titles for your blog, use the tool: https://www.title-generator.com/.

4.Fourth step: Use subtitles:

You need to simplify writing as much as you can. This will also make your article more readable. I recommend that you use subtitles in your articles. If your article title is: Weight loss program – Lose 10 kg in just one month. (set the subtitles: 1.Get your diet in order:, 2.Start exercising regularly:, 3.Drink enough fluids daily:, 4.Do not forget about motivation:, 5.Keep a diary:.)

I believe that now that we have certain subtitles, we would all know how to start writing. When we have subtitles, we just go into more detail with each subtitle. We begin to compose the article slowly, and soon it gets its structure. It is only important that we persist. You have to know that the beginning is the hardest. Once the writing opens to us, thoughts and words start flowing into the article by themselves.

5.Fifth step: Be unique:

If you are going to be unique, your blog will surely become successful. You should know that every person has their own writing style and everyone has their own experience through which they can write very good articles. Writing is an art, and once we realize that, we discover things that add value to our articles.

If you ever run out of words and have no idea what to write about in your article, you can do a research and see what others write on their blogs. But then make sure to write your articles in your own words. If you think you can’t write any good articles, you can order articles from experienced writers on the Fiverr site.

In this case, you should enter the following keywords into Fiverr search engine: content writer, article writer, I will write a high quality article. And then you need to find an article writer who has enough experience and good rating. You need to check if articles are truly unique, when you receive them. It is best to check the uniqueness of the articles manually. – Watch this video. You should be aware that some non-professional writers can sometime deliver content that is not original. So be careful and immediately reject such articles.



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