30 Best post topics ideas – Tips for writers and bloggers

There are many interesting things you can write about on your blog. This applies regardless of the theme of your blog.

You can write articles in a thousand and one way!

In the next 60 seconds, you’ll learn about what you can write on your blog. (Because of this article, you will never run out of ideas.)

30 best topics ideas_writing

Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go. Just begin writing and start enjoying it!

Ideas 1-5:

1.Solving the problem your target audience has. 2. What products and services can you recommend to them? 3. Create complete guides on how to do something. 4. Which books are your favorite? 5. In which field do you have good and bad experiences?

Ideas 6-10:

6.What tools or applications do you use in your work? 7. The biggest mistakes we can make in a particular area. 8. Best tips on how to become better in a particular field. 9. How to be productive in your work, what is your recipe for success? 10. What kind of questions do visitors often ask?

Ideas 11-15:

11.Which individuals are the most successful in your niche? 12. How did people work back in the day and how do they work today? 13. What are the beginner mistakes that we can make in our field? 14. What is your story, how did you start and why? 15. In what area did you have the most problems?

Ideas 16-20:

16.What’s new about you, what would you like to tell your visitors? 17. Which things would you have liked to know before you started work? 18. Who is your idol and why, what do you want to achieve in life? 19. Why does current work make you happy? 20. 5 Things you are proud to have learned.

Ideas 21-25:

21.What do you not like and why, what is the main reason? 22. Which quotes are most inspiring for you? 23. What are current trends in your niche? 24. What is the difference between old and new products? 25. What kind of story would you like to share with your visitors?

Ideas 26-30:

26.Conduct an interview with a known blogger. 27. What are your plans for the future? What projects will you be working on the most? 28. What are current statistics, what is the average age, what are the interests of your audience? 29. What does your typical day look like? 30. 5 Good things that happened to you in the last month in your work.


These are the 30 ideas that you can use when writing articles for your blog. We believe that you can now write at least 5 articles right away.

All you need before you start writing is just some time to think. When you get inspired, you can write an excellent article in just 20 minutes.

Be sure, that it’s worthwhile to put in some effort. This is the only way in which we managed to write this great article.

We enjoyed writing it and if you start writing too, we believe that you will be rewarded with good experiences in the end!



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