How to start blogging – The perfect beginner guide

Many people take the wrong approach to blogging and thus don’t get far. Many bloggers don’t even start earning money before they completely give up which is the result of doing the things the wrong way!

So the same thing wouldn’t happen to you I will use this post to present 7 steps that allowed me to, personally, make money online!

Try them out and soon enough you’ll start making money.


how to start blogging - beginner guide

1.Step one – Choose a theme that is close to you:

You can pick any theme you want to write about on your blog… But I suggest you choose a theme that is at least somewhat close to you. That will allow you to have fun while writing the articles.

(If you choose such theme blogging will be fun. Time will pass fast while the entire project will be finished much sooner).

For everyone, who doesn’t know how to set up a blog, I have a simple guide to help you.

My simple guide teaches you how to blog even if you have just the basic computer and internet knowledge.

I suggest you follow the steps in my guide which will allow you to set up the right kind of a blog.

2.Step two – Post good content:

Once your blog is set up you need to write a few articles that talk about the certain theme. In our case, we chose ‘health’ as our theme. That means that we need at least 10 high-quality articles that talk about this niche.

We can write things like: how to become more confident, how to get rid of stress, how to get rid of acne, how to get rid of shoulder pain…

We have to take some time to write the articles as they should be unique and contain quality information.

3.Step three – Choose a product to promote:

Now its time to find a product we wish to promote on our blog. First of all, you have to register on one of the partner websites like: JVZoo, ClickSure, ClickBank or Rakuten Marketing. We can choose among many such websites but we have to pick the one that suits us the most.

Then, we have to choose a product or service we want to promote on our website. We have to choose a product we believe is good quality and works.

If our visitors want to get rid of acne we can choose a product that can help them with that.

4.Step four – Design a landing page:

A landing page is used to collect email addresses that you can use in your email marketing scheme. After that, we have to redirect our visitors to reach it.

Such page has to contain an article that is related to the theme of our blog. In our case that would be an article talking about how to get rid of acne.

We shouldn’t use this page to offer our chosen product or service as its goal is to collect email addresses. We can do so by adding a form at the bottom of the page which offers our readers a gift in exchange for their email address.

5.Step five– Choose a gift for your newsletter subscribers:

Email marketing can be a great tool we can use to make some money so we should start collecting email addresses.

If you want to gain many we have to offer a gift in exchange for the reader’s address. We have to offer something that they really want.

In our case that could be an e-book or additional tips on how to get rid of acne forever.

6.Step six –Write the newsletter emails that will be sent out to your subscribers:

To make good money online people most often suggest that we don’t post many ads on our page. The things we promote should be promoted through email marketing as it is the thing that allows us to make good money. (To get any results we need to write at least 40 emails).

The emails should be written in the following way:

First three emails should be used to build trust with our subscribers. We can do so by including useful information and explaining what they can expect from us.

The fourth email can then be used to promote a chosen product which can be repeated every 3rd to 4th email.

The emails that don’t feature a promotion should include useful information which is the basis of a responsive mailing list that is the key component of every email marketing scheme.

7.Step seven – Get quality online visitors:

The last step is to get online visitors which have to be attracted to our website and the page, where we collect our emails.

We can do so through Facebook groups or Facebook ads or through paid advertisement on the browsers Google, Bing or Yahoo.

If we want to make good money we have to bring as many quality visitors to our landing page as we can. We have to bring in the visitors that are looking for the exact information we’re offering on our blog. In our case, those should be the people who often search for the keywords like: how to get rid of acne.

This would bring us money through email marketing as the people on the list would be those people, who’re trying to get rid of acne. (And we would offer a product that allows them to do so).

That’s practically everything you need to do to make money online.

To start we have to write at least 40 email marketing emails.

All of the steps mentioned require would some work but it will all be worth it in the end.



Take your blogging to the next level. Start building your online business today.