5 My reasons that made me decide to blog

Wohoo! This content will be fun. I Sandra Smith promised that in my e-news and on my blog, I will share not only information but also fun content.

Well, it is really going to be fun! Here in this article, I will quickly tell you what reasons I had to make blogging my primary work at home!

1.I have had enough of my job:

I have enough of my job

My job did not allow me a brighter future. I was very hesitant to go to work since I always worked for a minimum salary. In addition, I was annoyed with the fact that I had very little free time. In my last job I worked a lot of overtime. In particular, there were many working Saturdays.

2.I had enough of nagging boss:

nagging boss

If I tell you the truth, I was slightly getting sick of my boss. My boss always put a lot of work on me, and expected me to work quicker for the same salary. When I asked the boss for the raise, he always talked about the economic crisis which actually came to an end a long time ago.

3.I wanted to experience something in my life:

I wanted to experience something in my life

Working at all times for the system seemed completely absurd. (Some popular quote says that we are not born to go to work, pay bills and then die.) I agree with that. And in my life I want to travel a lot and discover the world. Santorini, Sydney, Rio de Janeiro and some other wonderful places are on my bucket list.

4.I wanted to work from home:

I want to work from home

This offers me many benefits. I decided for blogging because I only need a computer and an Internet connection for work. That means I can work anywhere and whenever I want. Now I no longer need to watch the clock in the morning to catch the green light at the traffic lights and get to the job on time.

5.Nobody supported me in this work:

help wanted

Believe it or not, but this is also one of the reasons why blogging today has become my primary work at home. Nobody believed in the beginning that I would succeed. When I mentioned to someone that I would be earning money on the web, they always answered me with the words: >> yes, we will see if you will succeed. <<. – That’s exactly what gave me even greater momentum for work to make myself even more successful!


That’s right! I think if you want to start with this work at home, you have to find your reasons for work. Only when you find the reasons, can you start working.

I think that this article has taught you a lot. Here in this article, there are undoubtedly tips that will help you get 2 times faster results in blogging.

And you can expect more such and even better tips from me!

I wish you a good day!






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